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About a Country or Place Welcome to Singapore
Posted by spainsun on Saturday, June 23, 2007 (20:16:23) (18469 reads)

Singapore is a river, a city, an island and a country. The history of the city goes back to a past a so much dark as it pierces in passing of merchants and pirates, until Raffles realized the strategic importance of the small island for the control of the trade among China, India and Europe.

From the moment in that you put the feet in this city, you realize that Singapore doesn't resemble any other place of the planet. The order, the cleaning, the facilities to move, everything is thought to please the citizen.

The level of life overpasses their neighbours. It social services, transport, parks, restaurants, hotels are comparable to that any advanced western country.

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Posted by brucelee2000 on Thursday, October 29, 2009 (12:38:27) (12504 reads)

Son muchas las leyendas que se dan en Girona, y es que es una ciudad muy peculiar, muy cercana a todo lo religioso, con calles estrechas y enigmáticas donde la imaginación es fácil que pueda volar, con comunidades diversas que han poblado diferentes espacios de la ciudad. Todo esto ha creado un caldo de cultivo muy propicio para las leyendas.

Este artículo intenta acercarnos alguna de estas historias gerundenses más populares.

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About a Country or Place Travel to Thailand
Posted by greg34 on Friday, August 15, 2008 (06:20:10) (5593 reads)

With over six million foreigners flying into the country each year, Thailand has become Asia's primary holiday destination and is a useful and popular first stop on any overland journey through Southeast Asia. The influx of tourist cash has played a significant part in the country's recent development, yet Thailand's cultural integrity remains largely undamaged.

In this country of fifty-three million people, over ninety percent are practising Theravada Buddhists, and King Bhumibol is a revered figure across his nation. Tiered temple rooftops and saffron-robed monks dominate every vista, and, though some cities and beach resorts are characterized by high-rises and neon lights, the typical Thai community is the traditional farming village: ninety percent of Thais still earn their living from the land.

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About a Country or Place Beijing... My trip
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, January 01, 1970 (00:33:26) (8078 reads)

Beijing is located in northern China. The city has a population of 14 million people. The capital of the People's Republic of China, Beijing, it is the nation's political, economic, cultural and educational center. It has been the heart and soul of politics and society throughout the long history of this country.

The following text is my travelogue of my stay in Beijing in 2005. I hope that you enjoy with this story.

Note: Our China photo-gallery: China Pictures

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About a Country or Place Deluxe cruise in Halong Bay, Vietnam
Posted by giraldovn on Thursday, January 01, 1970 (00:33:25) (8425 reads)

My first trip to Vietnam's magnificent Halong Bay was
nearly 10 years ago. Back then luxury wasn't an option. In fact, options
weren't much of an option.

Women traveling on the converted junk were told to sleep in the
suffocatingly hot below-deck cabin, men ordered to stretch out on sticky
vinyl mats above. We ignored the instructions and slept on the roof. Up top
there was slight relief from the heat but absolutely none from the

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About a Country or Place Ireland: from Dublin to Galway, monuments & landscapes
Posted by spainsun on Thursday, January 01, 1970 (00:33:24) (32685 reads)

Photos and Text: A. De Cara
In this article, we are going to walk by the heart of Ireland, from Dublin to Galway, looking the main attractions of these areas: Dublin monuments, Glendalough, Wicklow, Newgrange Tombs, the green Shannon river landscape, Clonmacnoise, the scenic areas of the Burren and Connemara and finishing in the medieval city of Galway.

Dublin, one of the most elegant towns of Europe, it give travellers the best and warmest side of the polite Irish people. The most open and lively town of Ireland, with a lively nightlife is our start point in this new travel…

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About a Country or Place North of Vietnam: From Hanoi to Hue
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, January 01, 1970 (00:33:23) (5684 reads)

Since the first moment when a traveller arrives in Hanoi, he is surprised by the contrast of a new and old city. It’s one of the most attractive and harmonious cities in Asia. There are many attractive places such as the Ancient Quarter, Temple of Literature, the One Pillar Pagoda, parks, lakes...

Photos and Text by Antonio De Cara.
Translated by Joel

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About a Country or Place Greece: My big fat mountain
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, January 01, 1970 (00:33:23) (4978 reads)

Mount Olympus is home to capricious gods, turning on both sizzling sunshine and scary summer storms in the space of a day. Mark Daffey reports.

We enter a clearing marked on my map as Petrostrouga, half way down a ridge that runs from the high-altitude Muses Plateau on Mount Olympus...

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About a Country or Place Réunion: It's France, but not as we know it
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, January 01, 1970 (00:33:23) (3187 reads)

Thrusting darkly out of the Indian Ocean is the active volcano that connects the beautiful island of Réunion with the clouds. At its feet, history and nature are tangled in a long embrace

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About a Country or Place Mexico: The Mayan Riviera
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, January 01, 1970 (00:33:23) (8282 reads)

By Anonymous
In this ancient land, where the majestic turquoise caribbean sea meets white, cool soft sand beaches you will also meet the warm and welcoming hospitality of the Maya people... Here you can dive amazing reefs, snorkel and see wondrous sea life, tour ancient archeological sites, Lay all day in a hammock or stroll the walk way lined with shops, sliver, arts and crafts, experience great restaurants and much much more!!!

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