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Pictures of Travels in Florida: Florida, Miami, Orlando, Los Cayos, Islamorada, NASA, Disneyland, Parques, MGM, Coral Gables, Palm Beach, Ocean Drive...
Total Pictures: 62 | Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >> |  |
Miami's Downtown. Author: Paco T. - Ilusionado Text: In search of the famous mansions of appreciating the tall buildings of Downtown Miami, still expanding.
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Ocean Drive in the morning - Miami Author: Paco T. - Ilusionado Text: The Art Deco district is around Ocean Drive, where the best showcases of this European architectural style passed through the sieve colourful tropical.
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Mansion of a famous Latin near the Bayside. Author: Paco T. - Ilusionado Text: The last time latins have lavished on acquiring mansions near the Port of Miami.
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Apollo Saturn Center - NASA Author: Paco T. - Ilusionado Text: Parts of a rocket Apollo.
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Cinderella's Castle - Disney World - Orlando Author: Paco T. - Ilusionado Text: Looking down from the castle seems to us enormous. In fact can be seen almost anywhere in the park.
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Islamorada's Bayside - Los Cayos Author: Paco T. - Ilusionado Text: Islamorada is reputed to be the capital of world fisheries. Not for nothing is a nature reserve that offers it all fishing for scuba diving.
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The famous Seven Miles Bridge - Los Cayos Author: Paco T. - Ilusionado Text: Besides this bridge, the most famous, the road is supported by 41 others sustained spor giant arches of concrete and steel. And on both sides, and the deep blue sea.
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Miami's palms. Author: Paco T. - Ilusionado Text: Palms in Miami.
La palmera es el árbol típico de Miami. Un adinerado se enamoró de ellas en un viaje a África y compró las primeras para plantarlas en Miami.
| Total Pictures: 62 | Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >> |
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