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Photo Gallery Hungary
Galería de Fotos Hungria

Pag. 1 of 4

 Pictures of Hungary: Budapest, Buda District, Pest, Danube River, brigges.. Esztergom Cathedral, Lake Balaton
Galería de Fotos de Hungria: Budapest, puentes, el rio Danubio, Lago Balaton, Catedral de Esztergom

  Total Photos: 32   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 >>
Ir a Foto: Jardines del Palacio Real - Budapest 
Go to Photo: Royal Palace Garden - Budapest Jardines del Palacio Real - Budapest
Royal Palace Garden - Budapest

Author: N. Quiros
Text: Los jardines del Palacio Real son otro atractivo del complejo, donde se puede tener un merecido descanso.
  You can take a relaxing break in the Royal Palace Gardens.
Ir a Foto: Palacio Gresham -Budapest- Hungria 
Go to Photo: Gresham palace - Budapest - Hungary Palacio Gresham -Budapest- Hungria
Gresham palace - Budapest - Hungary

Author: N. Quiros
Text: Este edificio Art Nouveau ha sido transformado en un moderno y lujoso hotel, situado en la plaza Roosevelt.
  This Art Nouveau landmark, was transformed into a modern an luxury Hotel. It is located in Roosevelt Square.
Ir a Foto: Museo de Bellas Artes -Budapest- Hungría 
Go to Photo: Museum of Fine Arts -Budapest- Hungary Museo de Bellas Artes -Budapest- Hungría
Museum of Fine Arts -Budapest- Hungary

Author: N. Quiros
Text: Este museo esta alojado en un edificio de 1906 y alberga interesantes colecciones de pintura, escultura, Egipto, etc.
  The Museum is located in a building of 1906 an it has more than 100,000 artefacts. These are some interesting collections: the Ancient Egyptian, the Antiquities, the Old Picture Gallery, the Old Sculpture, the Modern Department and Prints and Drawings.
Ir a Foto: Ayuntamiento viejo -Budapest 
Go to Photo: Old Town Hall -Budapest Ayuntamiento viejo -Budapest
Old Town Hall -Budapest

Author: N. Quiros
Text: Situado frente en la plaza de la Trinidad junto a la Iglesia de San Matías.
  It located in Szentháromság (Holy Trinity) Square, next to Matthias Church.
Ir a Foto: iglesia de San Matias -Budapest- Hungria 
Go to Photo: Matthias Church -Budapest- Hungary iglesia de San Matias -Budapest- Hungria
Matthias Church -Budapest- Hungary

Author: N. Quiros
Text: Es la iglesia católica más interesante de Budapest. ALgunas partes de la iglesia datan de los siglos XII al XV, pero su aspecto neogótico fue adquirido en la reconstrucción de 1896.
  The most spectacular Catholic Church in Budapest. It dates from different periods, the earliest parts having been built between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries. Its neo-Gothic appearance was received during rebuilding in 1896.
Ir a Foto: Iglesia - Hungría 
Go to Photo: Church - Hungary Iglesia - Hungría
Church - Hungary

Author: N. Quiros
Text: Iglesia en Hungría.
  Church in Hungary.
Ir a Foto: iglesia Calvinista -Budapest- Hungría 
Go to Photo: Calvinist Church -Budapest- Hungary iglesia Calvinista -Budapest- Hungría
Calvinist Church -Budapest- Hungary

Author: N. Quiros
Text: Contruida en estilo neogótico en el siglo XIX, es obra del arquitecto húngaro József Hild
  Built in neo-Gothic style in the nineteenth century, the four-columned great porch, the organ loft and the pulpit are all the work of the Hungarian architect József Hild.
Ir a Foto: Rio Danubio -Hungría 
Go to Photo: River Danube -Hungary Rio Danubio -Hungría
River Danube -Hungary

Author: N. Quiros
Text: El rio parte la ciudad de Budapest en sus dos mitades Buda y Pest.
  The river divide the town in two parts: Buda and Pest.
  Total Photos: 32   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 >>

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