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Scuba Pictures in Maldives: coral reciffs, sharks, barracudas, corals...
Total Pictures: 32 | Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 >> |  |
M. Karschau. Maldives. Author: M. Karschau Text: Marina is the author of our Submarine photo-gallery and our photgallery of Madives.
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A Dream Come True. Maldives. Author: M. Karschau Text: The feeling of having an animal in front that can reach 7 meters of breadth can not be described. (Manta birostris).
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Whitetips. Maldives. Author: M. Karschau Text: This shark is often seen during night dives. (Triaenodon obesus).
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Giant Clam. Maldives. Author: M. Karschau Text: There are many giant clams, in diverse forms and colors, theyvcan live up to 200 years. (Tridacna gigas).
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Coral Grouper. Maldives. Author: M. Karschau Text: Sleeps in small caves to protect himself. (Cephalopholis miniata).
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Cleaner Shrimp. Maldives. Author: M. Karschau Text: This shrimps occupy a permanent cleaning station; main clients are: moray eels, groupers, triggerfish... (Stenopus hispidus).
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Nursery School. Maldives. Author: M. Karschau Text: Baby Damselfishes over coral. (Dascyllus reticulatus over Acropora digitifera).
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Black-spotted moray. Maldives. Author: M. Karschau Text: Very timid and almost blind, moray eels can grow up to 2 meters long. (Gymnothorax tessellata).
| Total Pictures: 32 | Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 >> |
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