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Photo Gallery Libya
Galería de Fotos Libia

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 Pictures of Travels in Libya: Tripoli, Ghadames, Nalut, Frezzan, Ghat, Leptis, Akakus, Sahara Desert, Tuareg...

  Total Pictures: 65   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>
Go to big photo: Akakus, rocks floating in a sea of sand Akakus, rocks floating in a sea of sand
Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
Text: Ya no quedan muchas rocas , aunque la naturaleza compensa dándolas formas realmente complicadas. Parece que no faltan muchos cientos de años para que todo sea arena.
Go to big photo: Akakus, on late evening, a wonderful show Akakus, on late evening, a wonderful show
Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
Text: In silence, with no other people, feeling the evening fall, and the stars rising.
Go to big photo: Akakus, man selling Touareg handicrafts Akakus, man selling Touareg handicrafts
Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
Text: The same people, and the same handicraft sold in Tombouctou, 2000 km far. Very few distance for this enormous deserrt.
Go to big photo: Camels, for adventure tourist Camels, for adventure tourist
Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
Text: The second day traveling, near Gahadames, we saw free camels, but it was impossible to get near them. In this Akakus area, surviving is much more difficult, even for camels.
Go to big photo: Carlos and the sandstorm Carlos and the sandstorm
Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
Text: Suddenly, wind comes, and since that moment it becomes impossible doing nothing outside the car or the camping tent.
Go to big photo: Gigantic natural rock arch Gigantic natural rock arch
Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
Text: Between the cliffs of Akakus mountains, this enormous rock arch. There was strong wind, and in the desert, that means sand in your eyes, and while breathing.
Go to big photo: Petrogliph, drawings over the rock, from some thousand years ago Petrogliph, drawings over the rock, from some thousand years ago
Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
Text: Animals that live in this zone, when the earth climate, was more merciful, and this was an inhabitable zone.
Go to big photo: Dawn over the Akakaus hills Dawn over the Akakaus hills
Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas
Text: wonderful sunrises, an even better here, between rocky hills.
  Total Pictures: 65   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >>

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