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Pictures of Travels in SudAfrica: Pretoria, Johannesburg, Cape City, Kruger Park and another natural reserves
Total Pictures: 48 | Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 >> |  |
Carlos Diaz, seated between two oceans, the author of this photo gallery Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas Text: We are going to walk around South Africa, one country completely african, but with an european touch that makes it easy to visit .
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Oudtshorn, the town for ostriches - South Africa Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas Text: Maybe one hundred ostriches between the fences of some corrals just beside the road. This town is famous for rising and commercialising ostriches, and the Cango caves.
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One of the many beautiful houses in Cape Town - South Africa Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas Text: People say that it is the big city most beautiful in Africa. Even it is not very difficult. But Cape Town is one of the wonderful cities in the world.
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Kruger NP, Baobab - South Africa Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas Text: Seems to be dead, but it is ending cold and dry season now.
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Giant´s castle Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas Text: Another park around the Drakensbergs, with the mountains forming castle walls and towers.
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View from the aeroplane of a Negro people township - South Africa Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas Text: With it’s sinister look of geometrical design, unpaved roads, and without any kind of tree.
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Lesotho, one funny man, joking to us Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas Text: Seems that everyone is nice in Lesotho, but the traffic police.
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Partial view of the city from the Parliament hill Author: Carlos Diaz Huertas Text: Part of the downtown, not too big and well ordered, with it’s few skyscrapers
| Total Pictures: 48 | Pag. Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 >> |
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