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Pictures of Travels in Myanmar, Burma: Yangoon, Mandalay, Amarapura, Popa Mount, Bagan, Inle lake, Bago, Kalaw, Phaungdawoo...
Total Pictures: 62 | Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >> |  |
Sulamani Temple-Bagan-Burma Author: Marta Leonor Vidal Text: Sulamani,known as "crowing jewel",was built in 1181.It represents some of Bagan's finest ornamental work in carved stucco.The interior passage around the base is painted with fine frescoes from the Konbaung period.
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Manuha Temple-Bagan-Burma Author: Marta Leonor Vidal Text: Legend says that King Manuha,captive in Bagan by King Anawrahta,was allowed to build this temple in 1059 during his captivity.Through a window you can see the face of the sitting gigantic Buddha,with an equally gigantic smile.
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Little boy at Jua So village-Bagan-Burma Author: Marta Leonor Vidal Text: Despite its wealth of natural and labor resources,Burma is one of the poorest nations in southeastern Asia.If we visit villages, we can take school equipments to schools.
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Ananda Temple-Bagan-Burma Author: Marta Leonor Vidal Text: Ananda temple is considered to be one of the most surviving masterpiece of the Mon architecture.The entrance ways make the structure into a perfect cross,each entrance is crowned with a stupa finial.The base and the terraces are decorated with 554 glazed tiles with life stories of Buddha.
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Market-Bago-Burma Author: Marta Leonor Vidal Text: According to legend,two Mon princess from Thaton founded Bago in 573 AD.The city,witouth the massive tourism of other cities in Burma,has a beautiful market.
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Market-Bago-Burma Author: Marta Leonor Vidal Text: Bago is located 80 km from Yangon.Its colourist market is worthy of a visit.The daily life in Burma's markets is one of the main attractions for a photographer.
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Kyaik Pun Pagoda-Bago-Burma Author: Marta Leonor Vidal Text: Kyaik Pun Pagoda is the shrine of the Four Seated Buddha,27 m., erected in the 15th century,sitting back to back in four positions.
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Shwethalyaung Buddha-Bago-Burma Author: Marta Leonor Vidal Text: The Shwethalyaung Buddha,a reclining Buddha whith length of 55 m.,is the second largest Buddha in the world.It is believed to have been built in 994,during the reign of Mon King Migadepa.
| Total Pictures: 62 | Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >> |
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