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Photo Gallery Yemen
Galería de Fotos Yemen

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 Pictures of Travels in Yemen:Sanaa, Thula, Zabid, Wadi-Sar-Dut, Taiz, Wadi Dhar, Marib, Ibbs, Kawkaban, Al Haman

  Total Pictures: 41   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 >>
Go to big photo: Taiz-Yemen Taiz-Yemen
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: Taiz played significant role in the history of Yemen. It was its capital in 13th century. It has a moderate climate which made it a summer and winter resort and one of the most important landmarks. Its main touristic atractions: the palace of Imam Ahmad Bin Yahia Hameed Al Din, the Ashrafiyya Mosque and the Suq.
Go to big photo: Thula-Yemen Thula-Yemen
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: Thula, a nearly intact fortress town with its original walls, a prime example of Arab's use of stone as a building material.
Go to big photo: Al-Hamam-Thula-Yemen Al-Hamam-Thula-Yemen
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: Thula, a nearly intact fortress town with its original walls, a prime example of Arab's use of stone as a building material.
Go to big photo: Stained-glass window-Palace of the Imam-Wadi Dhar-Yemen Stained-glass window-Palace of the Imam-Wadi Dhar-Yemen
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: The architecture of Yemen was and is distinctive, with the interiors of the stories lighted through windows with marble and decorative coloured stained-glass windows.
Go to big photo: Palace of the Imam-Wadi Dhar-Yemen Palace of the Imam-Wadi Dhar-Yemen
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: Wadi Dhahr is located 14 km to the northwest of Sanaa. In the center of the wadi perches Dar Al-Hajar, Rock Palace, built on top of an enormous rock dating back to 1786 AD, and ordered by Imam Mansour Ali Bin Mehdi Abbas. In the 1930s, Imam Yahya Hameed Al-Din added the upper stories and annexes and used it as a rest house.
Go to big photo: Palace of the Imam-Wadi Dhar-Yemen Palace of the Imam-Wadi Dhar-Yemen
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: Wadi Dhahr is located 14 km to the northwest of Sanaa. In the center of the wadi perches Dar Al-Hajar,Rock Palace, built on top of an enormous rock dating back to 1786 AD, and ordered by Imam Mansour Ali Bin Mehdi Abbas. In the 1930s, Imam Yahya Hameed Al-Din added the upper stories and annexes and used it as a rest house.
Go to big photo: Palace of the Imam-Wadi Dhar-Yemen Palace of the Imam-Wadi Dhar-Yemen
Author: Marta Leonor Vidal
Text: Wadi Dhahr is located 14 km to the northwest of Sanaa. In the center of the wadi perches Dar Al-Hajar,Rock Palace, built on top of an enormous rock dating back to 1786 AD, and ordered by Imam Mansour Ali Bin Mehdi Abbas. In the 1930s, Imam Yahya Hameed Al-Din added the upper stories and annexes and used it as a rest house.
Go to big photo: Marta in Djibla Marta in Djibla
Author: Ignacio
Text: Marta, the author of this photo gallery in Djibla, in front of the Mosque of Jakob.
  Total Pictures: 41   Pag. Index << 1 2 3 4 5 6 >>

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